Consumer Queen ( is publicizing its website via a Twilight Giveaway contest. Especially to those who have been avid fans of Twilight, this Consumer Queen will surely be of interest to you! I still don't know if this contest will be eligible for non-US residents but certainly there's no harm in trying this out, right?

According to Consumer Queen, Walmart will play as the sponsor to this contest. The prizes are:
Twilight prize pack valued at $150 to one lucky reader. the prize pack will include: The DVD, the book New Moon,jewelry, t-shirt,keychains, bag and more.
2nd prize will be a $25 Twilight GC to Walmart to use towards your favorite Twilight item.
Here are what you have to do to win:
Subscribe to our ( blog! (required)
Tell us what your favorite part of the movie or book is.(required)
Extra Entries:
1.Blog this contest and leave your link here.
2. Follow us on twitter and Tweet this contest: Win a Twilight Prize Pack #CNQueen, #11moms Please RT!
3.Stumble or Digg this contest or any of our blog posts (button at the end of each post)
4.Post 5 Thank yous in our Grocery Forums!
5. Subscribe to YouTube Videos!
6. Add this contest to a Mr. Linky, Blog carnival or a Yahoo group! Leave the link to the site or group here! ,,
7. Post a deal on our Message Boards and leave the link here. 1 entry for each post. (If you are posting store deals try to keep them in 1 post for that particular store instead of individual posts.
Contest ends 3/22/09 Winner will be chosen by Random.Org and you will have 48hrs to claim your prize!
Oh well, there's so much task you have to do in order to win! Then, if you think it is worth the effort, then go ahead Consumer Queen ( and join!
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