A Harry Potter actor was killed May 28 last year outside a bar in East London, while he was trying to protect his younger brother. Rob Knox, who will appear in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince to be released in November 2009, will play the role of Marcus Belby. Knox will never see this film because of the unfortunate stabbing incident. Fortunately, the man who killed him was already adjudged as guilty yesterday.

The Harry Potter actor killed was just 18 years old. In the Old Baily, the court already judged the perpetrator who is identified as Karl Bishop as guilty. Bishop stabbed Knox five times until he was passed out of life. Bishop could be incarcerated behind the clapper for life because of this stabbing incident. To know more about this story, please visit the Telegraph Media Group and The Guardian.
The Harry Potter actor killed was just 18 years old. In the Old Baily, the court already judged the perpetrator who is identified as Karl Bishop as guilty. Bishop stabbed Knox five times until he was passed out of life. Bishop could be incarcerated behind the clapper for life because of this stabbing incident. To know more about this story, please visit the Telegraph Media Group and The Guardian.
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