Saturday, November 15, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Gets Flour Bath

You heard it right, after that lesbian fracas with Samantha Romson .. America's scandal sweetheart gets another headline-grabbing attention as she got doused with a heap of flour upon entering the VIP Room of the Champs-Elysees in Paris, France around 1 AM on November 15, Saturday.

The flour bath was courtesy of a screaming animal activist who was peeved of Lindsay Lohan's fetish for fur. Not content with the flour throwing at Lohan's head, the animal activist even yelled at her "Fur Hag!" in front of shocked onlookers.

Lindsay Lohan's name was in the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Worst Dressed List early this year. As she was publicizing her love for fur, her infamous citation in the PETA list read: “I Know Who Killed Me isn’t just the title of Lindsay Lohan’s latest bomb, it’s the cry of the animals snuffed out so that this ‘mean girl’ can pose in their pelts. Lindsay, there’s no road to recovery for the foxes who are anally electrocuted so that you can look skanky” (

Lohan's publicist confirmed that this incident happened and she refused to discuss the matter any further.

Here's the photo of Lindsay Lohan being given a flour shower:

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1 comment:

  1. she is my favorite actress and happy to see the information here. thanks a lot..



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